setup.exe       Prepare for installation from a DOS partition.

fips.exe        Reallocate DOS space for FreeBSD

ide_conf.exe    Show the native geometry of an IDE drive

osbs135.exe     An alternate boot manager (not the one FreeBSD uses)

osbsbeta.exe    A more advanced BETA version of the above

pfdisk.exe      Use this utility for printing your _actual_ geometry when
                and if FreeBSD gets it wrong!

fdimage.exe     Write a disk image out to floppy (new utility)

rawrite.exe     Write a disk image out to floppy (old utility)

restorrb.exe    Restore MBR to a pre-bootmanager state.

gzip.exe        GNU zip utility for DOS.

gunzip.exe      GNU unzip utility for DOS.

dist/           Original distribution files.

srcs/           Sources for those utilities that provide them.